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manic monday


    It's Monday early afternoon, and I'm still left questioning if I get a job offer today. This whole process of finding a job down here has been troublesome. I guess it hasn't been as bad as I'm portraying it, but I'm starting to feel a bit worthless as I've not heard back from anyone yet. I just called the staffing company that has found these leads on jobs and is also the same company I interviewed for internally. I'm waiting on a call back for some answers. 

    Had a call this AM with the investment firm that deals with my family's funds, it will be so good to get something going again with a plan for the future. 

    We move out of the airbnb we're in now, and head to another one for two weeks starting the Fourth of July this week. Should be in a new house mom's buying by the end of the month. My grandma's house and estate should close by mid month as well. 

    I'm now less than two weeks out from my show at the tavern. Sound system is secured for the event, I just need to pick it up the day of. Haven't pushed out a new melody since my last one I did the other day- which I've decided is ok. Going from barely to producing to trying to bang out one a a day is a lofty goal. I didn't want to loathe the process, so I slowed down a bit. 

Movement on a marketing gig in New Straitsville coming along, I need to meet with them and work out some logistics in terms of the plan. 

Played a lot of disc golf over the weekend. 13 in Athens, then 18 in Logan. Hit over 12k steps that day, it felt good. 

If y'all play your cards right I might start posting some poetry I've got in my notes app. I'll probably do it regardless so get ready for that.

- big wave dave 


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